looking how time leaves me
I found that I need you...
that I love you and I need you.
Now I can see how my my life is a waste...
I find that you are not with me.
Looking how time leaves me ...
I feel I want to die.
Looking how time leaves me...
I find I´m the lonely I will ever be.
I wish I could be part of your life
but you have your own
and I don´t have strength enough to accept it.
Looking how time leaves me...
I begin to be sad.
I´m so sad but I can´t cry
I just can´t do it beacuse You are not here
You ain´t here to clean up my tears.
I´m looking how time leaves me
and I find I´m alone
I am san and I need you...
I can´t cry becuase you ain´t here.
esto ha sido escrito en septiembre 22 del 200
podran ver el drama en cada palabra ahora que lo veo de nuevo me parece un tanto embarazoso como pensaba que el mundo se me terminaria