sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

to you

those rocky hands full of madness running through my body providing relax.
this hard malehood caused for you
the taste of you mouth
this smell of you saliva in my neck, rough perfume of our delighness
those shivers are abrut vibration in plasure of us, exploring underneath our clothes.
those hands that draw this sensations that I can´t take off my experience.
this lips running and causing hard explotions in everywhere they went.
the nice melody of you voice and the memory of that laughter of yours could turn me on again.
this things I remember and think are as nice as caramel and with a really sweet taste...
...taste that I would like to have once and again to go further than physical plasure till reach beyound.
do me, have me, take me, feel me, fufill me, chill me, take me to overwhelm
and then just stay like that at the limbo of caress & and warm kisses

  • 2u

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