domingo, 26 de junio de 2011

Mi desesperada desesperacion

No entiendes que una sola palabra tuya cambia mi sentir y pensar...
...con un simple gesto me elevas o me derrumbas.
no ves que me muero por ti, que deseo ser parte de ti y tus ataduras no lo permiten.
tus deseos, desconocidos para mi no lo permiten...
...tu espacio, tus necesidades facilmente las puedo satisfacer yo, mas no lo permites.
cuando necesitas y me rechazas me hieres.
cuando buscas y no es a mi, me lastima.
no deberia ser así, mas así es.
hay momentos en que tu y yo no estamos igual, y parece que no lo estaremos.
aveces tu y yo pareciera que no existen y eso me hiere.
te doy y me desprecias, me das migajas y no las quiero.
mi percepción es lo unico que tengo y tu la podrías cambiar si asi lo desearas.

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011


encontrare alguien quien me quiera mimar, cuidar y amar
y yo le querre mimar, cuidar y mimar.
mientras no perdere mi tiempo en lástima y dolor
abriré los ojos para verte cuando me mires
y cuidadosamente nos cruzaremos
nos fundiremos en un abrazo y asi estaremos de unidos aun cuando estemos separados
no habra angustia o malestar, solo tu y yo tan inperfectos y tan completos juntos
vere tu rostro y sonreire, llegara tu aroma y te recordare
como debe y debio ser, asi sera.
encontrare lo que todos los seres humanos buscamos.

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

y cuando te marchas todo vuelve a ser insulso
el pensamiento me reconforta
tu recuerdo me acompaña
no puedo evitarlo quiero jugarme todo por el todo, talvez asi obtenga lo que quiero
y cuando te tengo vuelvo a ser yo no mas que yo.
quiero ser yo contigo
quiero verte, abrazarte y probarte
tenerte conmigo por mas que hoy y mas que mañana
pero un sueño parece ser quien puede ganar o perder
a quien le importa si solo se trata de experienciar
quiero compartir pero solo contigo, no te quiero compartir solo quiero que seas para mi

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

de nuevo

Quiero verte de nuevo,
inventar cosas nuevas aunque todo este dicho para ti quiero hacerlas
ver tu mirada y tras un beso admirar esa vicious smile que se dibuja
quiero tener tus brazon alrededor mio y tu calor junto a mi
quiero y deseo poder tenerte sin compartirte ni con el viento
quiero y anhelo poder intimar contigo
mirarte dormir, dejarte dormir y celebrar tu despertar
Quiero tomar ventaja de lo que pueda llegar a ser nuestro y dar varias vueltas en tu mente
tantas vueltas que te maree y te alegre.
Quiero tomar tus manos y que tu tomes las mias y con un latido las fundamos
deseo tenerte y que me desees
que te fijes que yo deseo tenerte y estar congito
Quiero verte de nuevo y perderme en tus labios y ahi reencontrarme
Quiero que tu Quieras lo que yo

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011


once, I turned into hard, hard as stone
it was so hard to leave behind but I did it.
how was I able to do it?
I can barely remember.
I was so tired of it, so proud of myself, so stepped, that finally found my self in dispair.
dispair can push you to take wild desitions, that you might or might not regret or support.
once I turned into a stone, cold heart its what I felt.
for so long did it, and now its really difficult to turn back to warm.
these feelings full of dispair can also make feel in urgency.
i gotta stop and catch my breath to avoid the mistake
mistake the chance to achieve the dream
what would i do wouth it I might be full of emptyness
chance... the oportunity to succed or lose...
all in the same hand
I hate to say it, but all seems like a silly game, one that stinks my existence.
chance to be mistaken or right, who really decides?
who really cares? who will judge you? who will reward, you?

sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

to you

those rocky hands full of madness running through my body providing relax.
this hard malehood caused for you
the taste of you mouth
this smell of you saliva in my neck, rough perfume of our delighness
those shivers are abrut vibration in plasure of us, exploring underneath our clothes.
those hands that draw this sensations that I can´t take off my experience.
this lips running and causing hard explotions in everywhere they went.
the nice melody of you voice and the memory of that laughter of yours could turn me on again.
this things I remember and think are as nice as caramel and with a really sweet taste...
...taste that I would like to have once and again to go further than physical plasure till reach beyound.
do me, have me, take me, feel me, fufill me, chill me, take me to overwhelm
and then just stay like that at the limbo of caress & and warm kisses

  • 2u

domingo, 16 de enero de 2011


today is all we have & so far it´s all we need
how many times have we fall in wonder
thinking how will the tomorrow will be & we make plans, but nothing happens as wished.
I ´m starting to believe that today is all we have
how many times have we spent the today wishing the past to happen one more time
how many times have we spent the today starring the wonderful things we had and let go the great ones we have now.
how many times the today have been missvalued by the posibilities, chances that might not happen.
how many todays do I have left?
I have wondered and still have not been answered.
how long will it take untill I understand that today is the oportunity but and not the posible chances.
today I want to feel and think what i have and be thannkful for what I have and had through this path we call path formed of todays.

viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

the one i saw once

the one i saw once
many times i have been told & heard how you can touch someone without seen them for long
and untill now this is a matter to me,
when the one I saw once came to me that one showed me how can in one single time this one can change the entire life.
when the one I saw once came this one changed all that I thought and filled in new bright
now I know how great it´s been to have seen the one once I saw.